Oops, this picture is sideways (please tilt your head to the left to see the letter "P")
My little one has been working hard on her alphabet notebook and for the letter P, we glued dried peas, what fun!
Here it is in the process.
My precious preschooler!
The next day we started Q, so I seached high and low for all the quarters in the house (I may have even raided the kids' stash....shhhh) and I found about 60 quarters.
We talked about the features of the quarters and then seperated the old quarters from the state quarters and had a mini geography lesson with both the preschooler and the 1st grader.
I love the state quarters, there is so much info about each state on a little coin!
This is a great placemat map that can be found at Walmart and they even have a world map one.
BTW..we had about half old quarters and half state quarters.